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Running tests on Kubernetes

Cicada's scalability comes from its ability to run tests in a clustered environment like Kubernetes. In this guide, we'll convert our app to run in K8s and perform tests against it . We'll also use k3d to emulate a cluster locally.

Creating a local cluster

In this example, we'll use k3d, which is a lightweight version of Kubernetes designed to run locally in Docker containers. Once you have k3d installed, setup a cluster with two node ports exposed. These will be used to connect to Cicada services through the CLI.

k3d cluster create -p "8283:30083@server[0]" -p "8284:30084@server[0]"

Since this will be running on k3d, we will have to modify the chart a bit in order to use this locally. We can use Kustomize to apply an overlay on top of the normal cicada-distributed installation. This may be included with your version of kubectl by default.

First, save the chart to a file called cicada-distributed-overlay/cicada.yaml:

mkdir cicada-distributed-overlay
cicada-distributed --debug start-cluster --mode=KUBE > cicada-distributed-overlay/cicada.yaml

Next, add a patch to use the k3d NodePorts instead of the default services (cicada-distributed-overlay/patch.yaml):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: cicada-distributed-datastore-client
- port: 8283
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8283
nodePort: 30083
type: NodePort
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: cicada-distributed-container-service
- port: 8284
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8284
nodePort: 30084
type: NodePort

Finally, add a file called cicada-distributed-overlay/kustomization.yaml to specify how to apply the overlay:

kind: Kustomization

- cicada.yaml
- patch.yaml

Run the following command to install it into the cluster:

kubectl apply -k cicada-distributed-overlay

Deploying an example service

In the Integration testing guide, we created a simple Python API that ran in Docker Compose. Now, we will get it running in our Kubernetes cluster. Because we are running in k3d and not Docker Compose, we need to build Docker images manually:

docker build -t cicadatesting/demo-api-app:local .
docker build -t cicadatesting/demo-api-flyway:local -f flyway.dockerfile .

After building the images, import them into the k3d cluster:

k3d image import cicadatesting/demo-api-app:local
k3d image import cicadatesting/demo-api-flyway:local

Next, we can install the app into the cluster. To do this, run:

kubectl apply -f kube-app.yaml

Finally, run kubectl get pods. You should see the app and database alongside the Cicada pods.

Running the tests

Once an example app is running, we can run Cicada tests against it. Navigate to the integration-tests directory. Like with the example app, we need to build and import the test to the cluster. To build, run:

docker build -t cicadatesting/cicada-distributed-demo-integration-test:local .

Next, import the image with:

k3d image import cicadatesting/cicada-distributed-demo-integration-test:local

Finally, start the test by running:

cicada-distributed --debug run --mode=KUBE --image=cicadatesting/cicada-distributed-demo-integration-test:local

You should see the test spin up and execute the 4 test scenarios.